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Blue Nose Pit Bulls: A Complete Guide to the Blue Nose Pitbull Terrier

Blue is a “magical color” in the canine kingdom. From coats, to eyes, to (as we’ll see) noses – there’s just something alluring about finding this color in a dog breed. And while the color blue isn’t rare, it’s not very common to see it in dogs.

There’s often quite a bit of confusion regarding Blue Nose Pit Bulls, and disreputable breeders can take advantage of this fact. But not to worry, as we’ve done the research for you.

Below you can find all the facts about this popular breed, everything there is to know about their temperament, health needs, and more.

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Blue Nose Pitbull Profile

Friendliness: The Pit Bull, blue nose or not, has been unfairly given a bad rap. In fact, they’re considered to be the most aggressive dog breed in the world. However, this is not completely true if properly trained and socialized. Blue Nose Pits are some of the most loyal and friendly dogs. Still, exercise caution when playing with people, especially children. 


Trainability: Pit Bulls, blue nose or not, are intelligent animals. Combine high IQ with immense loyalty and you have a highly trainable dog. The key to successfully training the Blue Nose Pit is through positive reinforcement. Always praise them for good actions and behaviors. 


Grooming: A Blue Nose Pitbull generally won’t require that much grooming. In fact, the most time consuming grooming task is cleaning up after the shedding and occasional brushing. Basic grooming is still necessary for these dogs: tooth brushing, bathing, nail clipping, etc.


Adaptability: The Blue Nose Pit Bulls don’t do well in extreme heat or cold weather due to their short coats. In addition, they won’t adapt well to small enclosed environments, as they have plenty of energy and require a lot of run. For a happy Blue Nose, have a large backyard with relatively mild weather.


Activity: Blue Nose Pit Bulls have a ton of energy they need to expend on a daily basis. This means at least an hour of physical activity is required for these dogs…each day. If you have the time to take them to a dog park, then that’ll be even better for them. With these dogs, activity is key.

Very LittleA lot
<strong>Blue Nose Pitbull - </strong><strong>Vital Stats</strong>
  • Height: 18 – 24 inches
  • Weight: 30 – 50 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 10 – 16 years
  • Dog Breed Group: n/a

Meet The Parent

American Pit Bull Terrier (and sometimes the similar American Staffordshire Terrier)And that’s it. Despite popular belief, the Blue Nose Pit Bull is not a mixed dog breed

Really, the Blue Nose Pit Bull is not so much a unique breed as it is the product of careful breeding within the already established American Pit Bull Terrier breed.

The defining traits that make a dog a Blue Nose Pit Bull are rare though. The coloring comes from a recessive gene, which means it will rarely make an appearance in the pups.

Even if both parents have the appearance of a Blue Nose, it is not guaranteed to result in pups that all share their looks. Genetics are tricky like that.

However, there are quite a few things to know about regarding the Blue Nose that are different from your everyday American Pit Bull Terrier.

Blue Nose Pit Bull’s Appearance

The most distinctive physical feature of the Blue Nose Pit Bull is the color of the nose.

Well, for starters, you might expect to see some blue, especially around the nose area. But…not always. This is where things can get a little confusing. In fact, sometimes a dog might be considered a Blue Nose Pit Bull because of its genetic ancestry, but not have a blue nose itself.

Blue Nose Pitbull Size

Photos of Pit Bulls are all over the web showcasing their variety of shapes and sizes. Some are taller and leaner, some are squat masses of bulging muscle and lolling tongues.

You can expect a Blue Nose Pit Bull to most likely tip the scales somewhere between 30 – 50 pounds, though this depends a lot on their muscle mass. Dense muscular dogs have been known to weigh upwards of 80 pounds.

However, bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better. Keeping your Pit Bull healthy should take priority over trying to impress friends (or intimidate trespassers) with its bulk.

As for height, there can be quite a bit of variation, with full-grown dogs standing anywhere between 18 – 24 inches. This wide range of weight and height results in some interesting combinations.

Physical Traits

Of course, the eponymous blue nose should be making an appearance. But, well, if you look closely, their nose will be more of a grey with hints of blue.

Don’t expect any sky blue hues, as interesting as that would look. However, this is still quite a stark contrast from the usual dark black nose of American Pit Bull Terriers and other similar breeds.

The reason for this is that they have a gene which causes a decrease in melanin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation.

But you might be able to find some true blue in their eyes (other blue eyed dogs here) – just take a look at these amazing Pitbull eyes.

The Coat

There can be some variation to the Blue Nose Pit Bull’s coat, but odds are in addition their their blue-grey nose, they’ll also be sporting a dusky grey coat that verges on blue.

But since the main feature of this breed is their nose, don’t be surprised if you find some with darker coats verging on dark grey or even shades of brown.

After all, they’re called the blue nose and not a blue coat Pit Bull. 

They usually have a streak of white running along their chest to their abdomen, and can have some white patterning around their nose, with another white streak along the center of their face.

What will be a constant though is the texture and length of the coat – soft, short, and silky. Don’t worry, their coats won’t be much of a hassle.

The Blue Nose Pitbull Temperament

Let’s get it straight: no, these dogs are not as aggressive as people make them out to be. We suspect that this reputation comes from their (long ago) history of being used for dogfights.

Another possible reason is that their muscular stature appeals to some owners who want to train them to be tough. In other words, they have all the physical attributes to become a great fighting dog.

However, their natural demeanor is anything but aggressive. In fact, they are some of the most loving and loyal dogs around. Most owners tend to agree. They are highly emotional and often express it through warmth and affection!

But even so, the Pit Bull often tops the list of most dangerous dog breeds in the world. Check out this article to find out why.

According to the American Pit Bull Foundation, the American Temperament Test Society conduced a temperament test on the Pit Bull. They had a passing rate of 82%.

For reference, the general dog population scored just 77%. In this test, dogs were put in “unexpected situations” and any signs of unprovoked panic or aggression resulted in failure.

To many people’s surprise, the Pit Bull passed with flying colors.

Training a Blue Nose Pitbull

Looking at their beefy bodies, one might make the mistake of thinking this is a case of “all brawn and no brain.” But again, looks are deceiving!

These dogs are very intelligent and respond well to positive training. As they are very emotional, they can take any negative remarks from their owners pretty hard. So, it is better to reward them for good behavior and show them your appreciation.

Generally, Pit Bulls respond well to positive reinforcement and early obedience training. And of course, starting at a young age is best.

According to, the prime time to start socialization is weeks 4 to 14. But since they are such loyal dogs, even as adults they can slowly adapt to an owner’s training.

One thing to keep in mind is that they might not get along well with other pets or animals. The best way to get around this is to introduce them to other pets early on so they get used to them (socialization as a puppy). Keeping the encounters positive is key.

And there’s no need to worry about them around children. In fact, they are naturally sensitive and adapt their play to be more gentle with children.

I would still advise you to cautiously watch when your kids are playing with the Pit Bull. Incidents of these dogs attacking kids do and can happen. 

Living With Blue Nose Pitbulls

Whether a puppy or a full-grown adult, a Blue Nose Pit Bull is going to be an active dog. Their bodies are meant for action. And while they might enjoy settling down after a long day, before that moment they will need to expend copious amounts of energy.

There are many ways to help them expend their energy. However, if you’re an owner that wants to lounge around on the couch, this dog is not for you. Try a lap dog – such as the Shih Tzu. Even some big dogs, like the Chow Chow, would be better for you. 

The Best Family Dogs

And as we mentioned, they are great with children if properly trained. Truth be told, if you have kids, you might want to make sure that they don’t hurt the dog instead of the other way around.

Though Blue Nose Pit Bulls have a high pain tolerance and are quite sturdy, if a child doesn’t know how to properly play with the dog there is the risk they will hurt it.

Always make sure your child is old enough to respect the dog and learn the dos and don’ts of Pitbull playing. This will help reduce the chance of an accident.

They prefer the company of people to that of other animals, especially smaller ones. While they can become used to smaller animals if exposed early as puppies, they tend rather to stick to humans.

And for good reason, Pit Bulls are known to be very emotional dogs, and respond to the moods of their owners. They can be both sympathetic and very affectionate. In other words, they’re fantastic family dogs for all types of people. 

Exercise and Diet

While these dogs have the heart of a teddy bear, Blue Nose Pit Bulls also have the bodies of warriors. And if you want to keep your Blue Nose in good health, they’re going to require plenty of regular mental and physical exercise.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you. It’s time to brush the dust off your tennis shoes.

Physical Activity Requirement

If you enjoy running and going on trips to the dog park, then we have good news for you. According to Cesar Millan, the Blue Nose Pit Bull will need about 35 to 45 minutes of vigorous exercise each day.

Yes, that’s right. If you can’t spare half an hour of your day, it’s best to look elsewhere. This can mostly take the form of runs or walks and even fetch. But to truly keep a Blue Nose happy we’d recommend 1-2 trips to a dog park each week.

Even though they’ll enjoy runs, being able to be let off the leash and have more freedom will be so much more fun for them. They’re the best versions of themselves running freely with other canine pals. 

Of course, large backyards will also come in handy. They don’t really do well in smaller apartments or houses where they don’t have the freedom of movement they enjoy (and need) so much.

Something to keep in mind though is that these dogs can have some trouble regulating their body temperature and will often sweat profusely. It’s nothing too serious, but just keep it in mind for hot or cold days when you’ll want to limit their time outside.

Mental Exercises

Earlier we mentioned that Blue Nose Pit Bull’s are quite intelligent. And, like any smart dog breed, they’ll need to flex those mental muscles. The good news is this takes much less time than physical exercise.

If you can fit at least 15 minutes a day of games, tricks, training, or other mental stimulation into your daily routine, they’ll appreciate it.

A lack of exercise, whether physical or mental, can lead to a Blue Nose becoming bored. And just like bored kids, they are more likely to get into trouble

The amount of time spent keeping a Blue Nose Pit Bull in shape might be somewhat demanding, but it will be worth it to have a happy and healthy dog.

Diet Requirements

Blue Nose Pit Bull’s are active dogs that can burn a lot of energy, but this doesn’t mean they can just shovel away unlimited meals. Their diet will need to be catered to their age, activity levels, and current body mass.

According to Embrace Pet Insurance, this will look like an average of 25 – 30 calories per lbs of weight each day. Adult Pit Bulls that are more active will likely require a little extra to keep up with the energy they expend.

Also, while they are younger and still growing, this might be a bit higher, as their growing bodies will be burning a lot of energy. In addition to keeping an eye on caloric intake, Pit Bulls will need plenty of protein in their diet.

For adults this means about 18% of their nutrition should be in the form of protein, and for puppies this will be about 22%. As with most things, more doesn’t always mean better. Some people might make the mistake of thinking that an super high protein diet will make their dog even more fit.

But this isn’t the case. Too much protein can result in digestive issues and possible discomfort for the dog. The occasional human food treat is okay. Some fruits and vegetables can provide a ton of health benefits if given in moderation.

Just make sure dogs are able to eat the food first. Also, you’ll want to avoid treats like grapes, onions and chocolate, among other things. And if you’re not sure, feel free to consult with your dog’s vet.

How to Groom a Blue Nose Pit Bull

Though they have shorter coats, Blue Nose Pitbulls come with some specific needs for keeping them clean and healthy. Even though they don’t have double coats, most owners neglect this aspect of dog care. But by doing so, you can actually hurt your dog.      

Coat Brushing

The good news is that brushing won’t take up much time. A quick, but thorough, brush about once a week will be enough to gather up any loose hair and keep their coat healthy. However, according to PetCare RX, brushing your Pit Bull every day is most ideal.

Blue Nose Pits are known to be susceptible to skin allergies, so if your dog has a rash or some other skin irritation, be sure to treat the area before brushing, otherwise it could cause further irritation.

Despite popular belief, Pit Bulls do shed a considerable amount. And they’ll shed even more when their shedding season is around the corner. But by keeping up with daily coat brushing, this will become fairly painless maintenance.

Pit Bull Hygiene

Bathing on the other hand…well, let’s put it this way: Blue Nose Pit Bulls are known to be rather…sweaty. Most active dogs can work up a sweat, but this breed does so even more.

The trick is finding the balance of how often to bathe them. If you give them too many baths, it can strip their coat of natural oils that help protect their coat.

However, without regular baths, they might end up a bit…smelly. About twice a month should be fine, with at least one of those baths using shampoo. If you want to know what shampoo works best for your Pit Bull, consult with your local vet. 

But a quick rinse after an especially sweaty day might occasionally be in order. Many Blue Nose owners report that these dogs love baths, so they won’t be likely to complain.

Potential Health Issues

Unfortunately, Blue Nose Pit Bulls are susceptible to a number of health issues. This is made worse by breeders who are…disreputable. This means you should always look for a reputable breeder when shopping for a Blue Nose. 

Because the defining trait of the dog is a cosmetic one, some breeders will put this first. This means they can breed dogs that have the desired ‘blue nose’ but have several health problems. All the focus is in the color.

So, if you are considering keeping one, we highly recommend doing some research on any breeders or kennels you’re looking to buy from. Make sure that they have a good reputation for healthy dogs and responsible breeding.

But there is no way to guarantee that a Blue Nose will be perfectly healthy, so we’ve put together a list of possible health problems and how to approach or prevent them.

Dog Allergies

The main one to watch out for here is grass allergy. If your dog has such allergies it can turn an outdoors play session into an unpleasant experience. While they aren’t serious in themselves, constant scratching can lead to irritated skin and even infection.

Although there is no cure for allergies, some have found that hydrocortisone products help with minor irritations. However, depending on the severity of the irritation, a trip to the vet might be in order. Most of the time, allergies aren’t severe. Both you and your dog will barely notice it. 

Heart Disease

While not terribly common, heart problems are more prevalent in the Blue Nose Pit Bull than in other breeds. They can be especially vulnerable problems if they are inbred. Yet another reason to only buy from only reputable breeders.

The best preventative measure for this is to keep a Blue Nose at a healthy weight. Obesity is known to put extra strain on the heart, so be sure they the dog’s diet and exercise are within the recommended ranges.

Also, regular trips to the vet to check for heart murmurs is going to be important. Catching any heart problems early on will make a huge difference in available treatment options.

Hip Dysplasia

Another reason to keep a Blue Nose Pit’s weight in check is their chance of developing hip dysplasia. This is the result of developmental problems in their hip joints. While it is technically genetic, it can be made worse by poor diet and exercise.

But, on the other side, too much exercise will not help either. Instead, it is important to find a balance in the middle.

Hip Dysplasia is not life-threatening, but it can lead to a very unpleasant life for a Blue Nose. They might suffer from severe pain in their joints, up to the point that they even lose all mobility. And we all know how these dogs love to move around and play. So, keep this in check. 

Skin Diseases

The main one to watch out for here is mange, which is also known as canine scabies. It is caused by skin parasites that can cause severe itching, skin lesions, and even loss of fur.

It is important to keep a Blue Nose clean and in a hygienic environment to decrease the likelihood of catching this disease. Their coat (or lack of) makes them susceptible to such a condition.           

Immune & Nervous Problems

There is not much you can do about this, except to take extra good care of your Blue Nose Pit Bull. Unfortunately, they can be vulnerable to problems with both their immune and nervous systems.

Whether healthy or ill, regular trips to the vet for check ups are going to be crucial. If anything seems off about your Blue Nose Pit Bull, take them in to the clinic immediately. 

Blue Nose Pit Bull Lifespan

Depending on various health factors, a Blue Nose can live usually between 10-16 years. There are quite a few health concerns that we will mention, but an average of 12 years can usually be expected.

How Much Does a Blue Nose Pit Bull Cost?

Due to their somewhat rarity, there is comparatively less information about Blue Nose Pit Bull in the pools of common knowledge.

As such, breeders can at times take advantage of this to talk up the price on a Blue Nose, sometimes up to $3000 USD. Ooph. That’ll certainly break your bank – or at least your wallet.

While they are indeed beautiful dogs with tons of positive aspects, don’t be led astray by people trying to sell them as some super dog.

They are at their core just a variant of the American Pit Bull Terrier. Rare, yes. Gorgeous, yes. But not an entirely separate breed. So what should a fair price look like? Well, it still won’t be cheep. You’ll still need to look forward to at least $1000 for a puppy.

But it is often a case of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes a higher price is worth it for a dog that is truly unique.

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So, Is the Blue Nose Right for Me?

If you are active, have a big back yard, and love trips to dog parks, then you will be set. This breed loves and needs plenty of exercise and time outdoors. If you are up for it, then you’ll make a great pair.

Due to difficulty regulating body temperature, these dogs thrive best in moderate climates. Deserts or frozen tundras will not be ideal. And if you do live in a more extreme climate, make sure you have indoor temperatures that will help keep your dog comfortable.

Children? Perfect. Blue Nose Pit Bulls are loving and loyal, and great around kids. Although they’re big dogs, they’re very considerate in how they play, so you won’t need to worry at all about your kids being safe. However, supervision is still needed.

If you are looking for a guard dog, then another breed might be better. Despite their burly appearance, Blue Nose Pit Bulls are very friendly, especially with other peoples. They might be ready to chase away squirrels though.

Smaller apartments won’t be a good fit for a dog this active. They can easily grow bored in restricted spaces, which might lead to behavioral problems.

Life with a Blue Nose Pit Bull can be highly rewarding, but it comes with its share of responsibilities. You’ll need to be attentive to their diet and health, with regular trips to the vet for checkups.

If such an active dog with a touch of responsibility is your thing, then a Blue Nose Pit Bull would make a loving companion for you!

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Geannie Williams Mobley

Tuesday 3rd of January 2023

Great information about this breed.

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