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Are Huskies Good Guard Dogs? – Here’s Why They’re Better “Watch” Dogs

Huskies are stunning dogs with shaggy coats, stunning blue eyes, and wolf-like ears. But it’s because of their wolf-like appearance that people believe Huskies may make good guard dogs. However, looks can be deceiving when it comes to the Husky.

Huskies don’t make good guard dogs, as they have friendly, non-aggressive temperaments. They just love people too much, whether they’re family or strangers. Huskies are also difficult to train, which makes it more difficult to train them to be a good guard dog. That said, Huskies make better watchdogs with minimal training.

This guide helps you understand why Huskies don’t make good guard dogs, but rather good watchdogs. But do you really need a guard dog? If so, we also have some great suggestions for alternative guard dog breeds in the article.

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3 Reasons Why Huskies Aren’t Guard Dogs

How much exercise do Huskies really need?

There are several key temperamental traits of a good guard dog. The best guard dog breeds should be alert, patient, responsive, focused and have high levels of energy. They should also be easily trainable and have the physical size to actually guard.

An owner needs to have the assurance that their guard dog will attack and protect, should the owner or someone else in the house become threatened. At the same time, the dog can be called away from the attack by the owner. 

And while Huskies, in some ways, can make decent guard dogs, they typically don’t fit the bill as an ideal guard dog. Here are the 3 reasons why a Husky, despite having lots of energy and being alert, is typically not suitable to be a guard dog. 

1. Huskies Are Too Friendly and Playful 

Siberian Huskies are naturally playful and friendly. In fact, Dog Time lists Huskies as a dog breed with high potential for playfulness. These fun-loving dogs love nothing more than to play all day with their owners.

Although this is a great trait for a pet to have, it’s not the best trait for a guard dog to have. Instead of scaring off or attacking intruders, your Siberian Husky may instead welcome the stranger in, and try to play with them! 

While capable of strong affection for his family, the Husky is also very friendly with strangers. So, if you want the fierce loyalty of a one-man dog, don’t buy a Siberian.

– Valerie C. (Husky Owner)

Huskies also don’t have vigilant or cautious personalities. Yes, it’s true that Huskies are one of the most “dangerous dogs,” at least according to dog attack statistics. However, these attacks are mostly due to their high-energy temperaments, not from aggression.

They will very rarely see intruders as a threat. It’s likely that Huskies are able to spot the intruder in the middle of the night, but will go to them for pets and fun play. Even if they’re wary at first, it’s not hard to befriend a Husky very quickly.

2. They’re Relatively Difficult to Train 

Huskies have stubborn temperaments and an independent nature, thus, making them fairly difficult to train. Combine these qualities with the Husky’s high energy, and it’s easy to see why they have a hard time focusing on training lessons.

And according to canine psychologist and pHD, Stanley Coren, Huskies are the 77th smartest dog breed for “obedience & working intelligence.” This means that out of 138 evaluated dog breeds, the Siberian Husky performed just average.

Obedience and working intelligence measures how quickly dogs learn new commands. In addition, it measures how obedient the dogs are. There’s nothing wrong with being average intelligent, but it just proves Huskies aren’t the most biddable dogs.

Siberian Huskies are also curious dogs, which makes them easily distractible. They may not have the brilliant nose of a Beagle, but it doesn’t take much to get their attention. All it takes is a streaking squirrel or an interesting noise.

That being said, it’s hard to train Huskies to be aggressive towards intruders. Plus, it will be equally hard to train a Husky to stop attacking an intruder. While they may be working dogs, Huskies just don’t have the desire for training (in most cases).

3. Huskies Can Be Destructive 

Huskies have lots of energy and can become destructive when they’re bored or frustrated. As such, Husky owners may leave their dog alone for a few hours and come home to find cushions shredded, footwear chewed up and furniture scratched at.

The sight of a destroyed living room is a situation that far too many Husky owners may be familiar with. However, most of the time, adequate physical exercise and mental stimulation is enough for them to remain calm while you’re away.

We recommend Huskies need around at least 2 hours of physical activity each day. This can be long walks, hiking, running, fetch and even swimming. When they have sufficient exercise, Huskies will be “easier” to train.

The problem is not every owner is capable of giving their Husky the recommended amount. I mean, 2 hours every day is a lot. Perhaps it’s because Huskies frequently don’t get their recommended daily exercise that they’re labeled as mischievous dogs.

And because Huskies are known for the occasional destructive behavior, many owners opt to keep their Huskies in a pen when they are out. Being stuck in a kennel is another reason that Huskies don’t make good guard dogs!   

Top Guard Dogs Alternatives to Huskies

If you’re looking to bring home a good guard dog, Siberian Huskies may not be a good fit. I probably wouldn’t count on them to deter many intruders. Rather, here are some breeds you should consider instead of a Husky: 


Rottweilers are strong, fiercely loyal dogs who can be aggressive and dangerous if they think their territory is threatened. However, Rottweilers need to be carefully trained and socialized to ensure that their aggression can be controlled. 

Doberman Pinschers

These strong, intelligent dogs make excelled guard dogs. Doberman Pinschers are not only protective of their territory, but are also very trainable. At home, they are very affectionate towards members of their pack, so they also make good family dogs too. 


Bullmastiffs are large, strong dogs who weigh an average of 120 pounds. Because of this, they can attack or tackle most humans when protecting their homes and owners. They are brave and confident, but also loyal enough to retreat when called upon.

German Shepherds

German Shepherds are popular dogs in police forces. This is because they have excellent noses paired with intuition that’s capable of sensing threats or danger. They are also brave and have a lot of stamina, which helps them perform their guard duties for long periods. 

Huskies Are Better Watchdogs

Although they don’t make good guard dogs, Siberian Huskies are not completely useless when it comes to home safety. In fact, we would argue that the Huskies’ personalities and temperament make them one of the best watchdogs.

Good watchdogs are alert at all times. In addition, they’ll warn their owners if any perceived threats are on the property, either by barking or howling. Here are some top reasons why Huskies make excellent watchdogs:

Huskies Have an Intimidating Look 

Even though Huskies are playful and friendly, they have an intimidating appearance. Their shaggy fur coats and sharp muzzles make them look similar to wolves. Huskies can be an intimidating sight for those that don’t understand these dogs.

It’s worth noting that the eerie resemblance between the Husky and the wolf isn’t because they’re so closely related. National Geographic conducted a DNA study of 85 dog breeds and found that Shiba Inus and Chow Chows are, in fact, most closely related to wild wolves.

Still, we can appreciate the fierce and intimidating appearance that the Siberian Husky has, especially for home owners looking for a burglar deterrent. One look at these dogs, and they’ll turn the other way. But don’t count on them to do anything more than that.

They’re Curious Dogs 

Huskies are curious dogs – you may just come home to find your garden being excavated by a Husky in search of a smell. The Huskies’ curiosity will help them detect anything out of the ordinary. If there’s a new human scent nearby, they’ll investigate.

Huskies are notorious escape artists. They just don’t like to stay put because whatever is on the other side of the fence always seems so much more interesting. The grass is always greener on the other side for these dogs.

This common Husky behavior is fueled by their strong curiosity. But if you can safely secure your Husky in the yard, they’ll be intrigued by anything that comes near the home.

Huskies Are Very Vocal Dogs and Will Alert You

While Huskies do not bark a lot, they are very vocal. They express themselves by whining, moaning and especially howling. They’re great at communicating with their owners and if something isn’t right, they’ll be sure to let you know.

As you build your relationship with your Husky, you’ll learn that he has a range of different vocalizations. You’ll also begin to link specific vocalizations with triggers. Over time, you’ll be able to recognize that your Husky is howling or whining to signify a threat. 

Training Huskies to be Watchdogs

A good watchdog will bark (or even howl in the Husky’s case) when they perceive danger, but will also be intelligent enough to distinguish between possible threats and harmless visitors.

The best watchdogs should also be somewhat trainable so that an owner can get them to quieten down if there’s no real threat. Fortunately, it’s much easier to train a Husky to be a watchdog than a guard dog.

Teach a Husky to Quiet Down

First, start with teaching them basic obedience commands like sit, stay, and come. Once your Husky gets comfortable with obeying basic commands, you can then begin to teach him the “hush” command. Here’s how: 

  1. Identify triggers that make your Husky bark, whine, or howl. These may include the presence of other dogs, the sound of sirens, or visitors coming to your house. Some Huskies may even begin to howl along to music or the television! 
  2. Place a trigger in front of your Husky. When he starts to make noise, say “hush,” firmly, looking your Husky in the eye. Make sure that when you say “hush,” you are on a higher level as compared to him. 
  3. Give him a treat and praise him once the Husky stops making noise. 
  4. Keep repeating this until he immediately quietens down when you say “hush.”
  5. Start bringing the “hush” command into other situations. For instance, when your Husky begins to bark at a squirrel or cat, say “hush” and reward him with a treat when he quietens down. 
  6. Over time, stop giving your husky treats for quietening down. Over time, it will become a habit for him to quieten down when you use the “hush” command. 

Again, for all the reasons we’ve discussed, it could take some time to train your Husky this. What’s important is that you approach training with positive reinforcement only, and show plenty of patience and consistency.

Teaching Huskies to be Alert of Intruders

Huskies will use their vocal cords in a range of different scenarios. An important part of training your Husky is teaching him when to howl or bark and when to quieten down. That being said, be careful about when you are using the “hush” command. 

If you want your Husky to be a watchdog, don’t use the “hush” command immediately if he starts to bark when someone comes to your door. This will only teach the Husky to shy away from alerting you if there are any intruders.

Instead, you’ll want to use the command only after you have welcomed the visitor into your house. This is so that your Husky learns to accept other humans only once you have given him approval. 

Better Watchdogs Than Guard Dogs

Despite their somewhat threatening appearance, Huskies don’t make good guard dogs. This friendly dog breed is people-oriented with friendly, playful temperaments. They would rather make friends with an intruder than attack them! 

If you’re looking for a guard dog, consider bringing home a German Shepherd, Dobermann, a Bullmastiff, or a Rottweiler instead. These are protective, vigilant dogs that will help you keep your home safe at all hours of the day. 

However, Huskies can make great watchdogs. Because Huskies are attentive and curious, they tend to always immediately alert you when they find something unusual around the home.

However, it’s important to make sure you’re training your Husky to only alert you when there is actually a perceived threat. If you train your Siberian Husky well, he will definitely play a role in keeping watch over your home! 

So is your Husky a good guard dog? Let us know in the comments section below. And if you have any training tips, we’d love to hear from you!

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