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Do Corgis Shed? – 4 Amazing Tips to Deal With Corgi Shedding

If you’re planning on keeping a Welsh Corgi, you’ve made a great decision. Though small, these dogs are both adorable and charming. But here’s the bad news. If you’re allergic to dog fur, the Corgi may not be the most ideal pet for you.

Most Corgis shed a lot throughout the year. In fact, both the Cardigan and Pembroke Welsh Corgi have a double coat and as a result, are prone to shedding. Corgis will see even heavier shedding in the spring or autumn – when there’s a temperature change. During this time, a Corgi will blow their coats in preparation for a significant change in weather.

The fact is, not all Corgis are the same. Some may shed more than others, though the consensus is that they do shed a lot. We’ve searched the internet for answers from real Corgi owners regarding shedding. Also, learn the reasons why Corgis shed so much.

RECOMMENDED: The Guide to Pembroke Welsh Corgis

3 Reasons Why Corgis Shed So Much

No matter the breed, shedding is completely normal for dogs. Even hypoallergenic dogs will shed! The only dogs that don’t shed are hairless dogs. And even then, some “hairless” varieties tend to shed some fur on parts of bodies.

There are many reasons why Corgis shed. Some of which, we’ve already mentioned. However, let’s dive into these three reasons why your Corgi may be shedding a lot.

1. The Corgi’s double coat will shed more

Whether you bring home a Pembroke or Cardigan Welsh Corgi, you’ll likely be bringing home a Corgi with a double coat. And as you may have guessed, double-coated dogs have two coats. This means the dog has a soft undercoat and a coarse topcoat.

This double-coat isn’t exclusive to Corgis, though it has a lot to do with their work origins. Because the Corgis were originally bred to be herders, they spent a lot of time outside – sometimes in the blistering cold. As such, double coats protected them.

Double coats were developed to be able to withstand all types of weather. In addition, the coat can protect them from debris, rain and other environmental elements. It’s why these thicker coats were so popular among working dog breeds.

My corgi puppy is 4 months old and I’m realizing I need to stay brushing her. I’ve never had a dog with a double coat before. 

– Jdilberian (via Reddit)

The Corgis’s undercoat feels like wool. And just like wool, it acts as the perfect insulator to keep the dog warm. On the other hand, the top coat is also called guard hairs. This is the external layer that protects the sensitive skin of the dog.

Now as you can imagine, when you have two layers of floof, you’re going to shed a lot. This is the primary reason why Corgis shed so much. In fact, there’s nearly a hundred double-coated dogs. In addition, all double coats are notorious shedders (except the Samoyed).

2. Change of season affects shedding in Corgis

Most Corgi owners will tell you that these dogs experience extreme shedding about twice a year. In fact, it’s almost guaranteed. Because their coats were meant to protect them in all types of weather, it must adapt to weather conditions.

The Corgi’s hair cycle will adapt to the different seasons of the year. In the winter, the undercoat has the crucial role of protecting the dog. It serves as an insulator and water-resistant layer. So, the undercoat grows rapidly in the months leading up to winter.

When summer arrives, the climate becomes warmer. In other words, there’s really no need for the extra protection of the undercoat. And as a result, the Corgi sheds their thicker winter coat and begin to grow a lighter coat during the spring months.

Depending on the dog, these blow outs can last up to two weeks. The time length and amount of fur is determined by the dog’s genetics and thickness of the undercoat.

– Charlie (My Corgi)

Now after summer, when climate starts to change again, the Corgi will once again shed its top coat and begin developing the extra undercoat in preparation for winter. It’s a cyclical shedding process and there’s not much you can do to stop it.

There’s no exact number of times a Corgi will go through extreme shedding a year, but we know that it’s roughly two periods a year – spring and fall. However, a Corgi will likely experience more moderate shedding throughout the rest of the year.

3. Malnutrition, stress or anxiety can lead to excessive shedding

When a Corgi is being neglected with poor nutrition, there can be real physical consequences. And just like with humans, Corgis need quality food to live a healthy life. Without it, excessive shedding may occur where patches of fur start to fall.

According to Dr. Roy Cruzen DVM, a poor diet is the number 1 cause of excessive shedding in dogs. Just because dog food is being sold, thus meeting the minimum requirement, doesn’t mean that the food provides enough protein and nutrients.

People go to discount stores, by a 40-pound bag of cheap food, and then see their pets’ shedding increase.

– Roy Cruzen DVM

Not having quality food with the necessary vital nutrients will lead to an unhealthy dog. Not only will they shed, but also lose their glossy and smooth looking topcoat. Cruzen suggests that high quality food should cost somewhere around $4 per pound.

Dogs, such as Corgis, are creatures of habit. As a result, any major environmental changes may lead to stress and anxiety in your dog. If your Corgi is experiencing excessive shedding in the off season, make sure to thoroughly check for any stress catalysts in your dog’s life.

The last thing you’d want is for a life factor, which can be easily removed, to cause your Corgi to shed excessively. Pay close attention to your dog’s behaviors and whether anything tends to elicit barking growling, or other abnormal behaviors.

How to Deal With Corgi Shedding

Don’t worry – dealing with your Corgi’s shedding doesn’t have to be a total nightmare. There are tips and tricks you can use to deal with the shedding. Remember, the key is to deal with it and not prevent it. Do not ever shave your Corgi.

1. Daily brushing with the Furminator

Daily brushing is an absolute must (especially during coat blowing season) if you want to keep a Corgi’s shedding in check. There’s a lot of great products on the market to choose from. However, nearly every Corgi owner I know has and recommends the Furminator.

Brushing is the key when they are blowing coat or actually any time. Corgis carry a lot of coat. A wide dog comb also works great on the clumps. Amazing how much coat comes out.

– Karynmcs (via Reddit)

But what makes the Furminator so great? The Furminator is a de-shedding tool built for dog breeds with double coats. It was practically made for breeds such as the Corgi. It’s no ordinary brush, as it’s made and designed to reach the undercoat through the top coat.

They have a “FURejector” feature to quickly release the accumulated hair from brushing. It really makes your grooming ritual much easier and more convenient.

Not only is this a great year-round brush, but comes especially handy during spring, when the under-coat is shedding. If you’re curious, here’s the Furminator on Amazon. Plus, you’ll want the medium version for long haired dogs

What Corgi Owners Are Saying:

Ryan says he loves it. He knew Pembroke Corgis were notorious shedders, but needed help with the mess. The transition of his Corgi’s puppy fur to adult fur was a mess. There was hair everywhere and the Furminator saved the day!

Jennifer says the tool was a game changer for her. She used the medium size for short hair model and it really helped so much! She did mention that after 6 months, the hair became too long and the Furminator couldn’t reach the undercoat.

Hossein say he bought this for his corgi puppy and after a few weeks of use, it’s been absolutely brilliant for his dog. View the price here. I highly recommend you check it out!

2. Invest in cleaning supplies

This one seems obvious, but it’s not something many Corgi owners consider. When dealing with my own Pembroke Welsh Corgi, the vacuum was my best friend. Invest in something that works well and you won’t spend too much time dealing with your little fur ball.

Though this may not be for everyone, many people recommend the Dyson lightweight Vacuum. Yes, it’s a bit on the pricey side, but people love it. It even turns into a vacuum stick for hard to reach places, such as under your couch.

This is by no means necessary. However, we do suggest upgrading in cleaning supplies if you can afford to. Not only will it save you time, but also stress.

3. Regular baths reduces shedding

Another cost-efficient way of dealing with Corgi shedding is to bathe your Corgi regularly. However, there is a fine line between bathing frequently and bathing too much. With that said, we recommend you bathe your Corgi no more than once a week.

If you give your Corgi a bath too often, you may be washing away all the “good” natural oils in their coats. These oils not only give them the healthy shine, but also protects their skin. After all, it’s all naturally produced for a reason.

This grooming ritual is great because it helps wash away excess hair that may be stuck (and waiting to shed onto your favorite couch). And if your Corgi is going through coat blowing season, you may want to consider bathing more frequently.

Always use mild dog shampoo, along with warm water, especially if your dog has sensitive skin. Try to always test the temperature of the water before putting your Corgi in. The last thing you’ll want is to accidentally hurt them with scolding-hot water.

My Top Picks for Corgi Shampoo:

  1. Pro Pet Works All Natural Oatmeal Dog Shampoo – It’s all natural, which is always the best. Plus, it’s recommended by Vets. Since it’s made in the USA, you can expect a quality product with good ingredients.
  2. Earthbath All Natural Dog Shampoo – This all-natural pet shampoo has been on the market for quite a while. It’s definitely time-tested and many happy customers will agree.
  3. Paws and Pals Dog Shampoo – Paws and Pals is a very reputable brand, though I haven’t tried this shampoo. But based on its excellent reviews, I’m confident in recommending this one.

4. A healthy diet leads to a healthy coat

The best way to keep your Corgi’s shedding in check is through good nutrition. Seriously – this can help more than people think. Make sure to pick quality dog food with the necessary nutrition for your dog. Again, around $4 per pound is sufficient.

If your Corgi experiences abnormal shedding, try including fish oil and Omega 3 into his or her diet. These supplements are great for a healthy coat and skin. In addition, these essential oils may speed up the recovery of the washed-away coat oils.

Corgis are food-driven dogs, so getting them to eat their daily dose of food will be no problem. If you need to feed them supplements, you can stick some in between treats to make it easier. Our Corgi has no problem taking these supplements. Food is food!

How Much Do Corgis Shed? 

Because not all dogs from the same breed are the same, the only way to figure this out is to survey real Corgi owners. It’s why we’ve asked the people of the Corgi Reddit forum (and other dog forums) to give us their thoughts on Corgi shedding. Here’s what they had to say:

Real Owner Answers:

1. Toodahlou says Heavy: “I have one corgi and he, like all corgis, sheds like crazy but sometimes the weekly brush-outs and floor sweepings aren’t enough to keep up with his shedding.”

2. Legendary_girl_a says Heavy: “I’ve got a little fluff butt [corgi], emphasis on fluff, who sheds like it’s his job. I have enough corgi fur in my car to clone him and everyday when I get to work I have to lint roll myself.”

3. Crislj17 says Heavy: “We all love our corgis, they are our precious little big booty four-legged kids. However, they are shedding machines and it’s unstoppable.”

4. Azure102 says Heavy: “I am fully aware that corgi sheds a ton 🙂 but for some reason my corgi just keep on shedding no matter how often I brush him (everyday) and how long I brush (almost 30 mins each day).”

5. Spikeyfreddy says Moderate: “We have 2 corgis. One That is pretty fluffy and one that isn’t. They both shed a lot. Keep them groomed and vacuum a few times a week and it’s easy to keep up with!”

6. Kpac76 says Moderate: “Ours drops her coat in February and August. I find it pretty manageable the rest of the year.”

7. Justintw32 says Moderate: “Yeah we’ve got one that sheds pretty bad about twice a year. For about a month each time. It tends to stop after that.”

8. Fizzbit says Heavy: “A lot of people underestimate the amount of shedding that corgis do, even with ample warning. It’s good you’re taking it seriously!…my first corgi shed more than all 6 of the cats I also had living at home with me growing up…nothing could have prepared me for that level of shedding.”

9. Tjscollins says Moderate: “My boy is blowing his coat right now (and has been for the last month, ugh). It’s about 2 to 3 times the normal amount of shedding. But there is never zero shedding. Never.”

10. Mooolander says Heavy: “My little guy is only 4 months old and he is already shedding like CRAZY! I was told I had a year until the shedding would begin….if only.”

Is the Corgi Right For Me?

If you’re allergic to dogs, then Corgis are not right for you. Most people aren’t actually allergic to dogs, per se. Rather, they’re allergic to dog dander – the equivalent of human dandruff.

The problem is, dog dander releases into the air every time a dog sheds. With how frequent Corgis shed, there will be a ton of dander around the home.

But if you’re allergic and set on a Corgi, there are ways to better deal with the allergies. Or, you can grab a dog breed from our complete list of 57 hypoallergenic dogs. Another great idea is to find Corgi hybrids instead. Some Corgi mixed with hypoallergenic dog breeds will shed a lot less.

But if you’re not allergic, Corgis are wonderful dogs. Don’t let their extreme shedding deter you from picking one up. They’re loving and affectionate, with a bright personality you’ll simply love!

Do you own a Corgi? How much do they shed? And how do you deal with their shedding? Let us know in the comments section below!

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