While some people have a hard time taking Dachshunds seriously due to their shape, we find them to be absolutely great dogs. There’s a reason why they’re popular family dogs! However, families with kids may wonder if Dachshunds are a good fit.
Dachshunds have an inherently loyal and friendly temperament, making them ideal family pets. But their compatibility with children will often depend on their owners. Some Dachshunds snap back at kids when provoked. However, when properly trained and socialized, Dachshunds will be a lot more patient with older kids.
Ensuring your Dachshund is a good match for your family will take some time and effort. But this dog breed’s natural tendencies make it quite easy to socialize. Read on to learn more about how this breed can fit into your home life!
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Are Dachshunds a Good Fit for Family Life?
All dog breeds can potentially be a good fit for family life. There’s no doubt about it. But when you assess a breed for your family, there are things to consider.
The answer to this question boils down to two factors:
- How well your dachshund is raised and trained
- How well your family interacts with your dachshund
It is a two-way street. You can have the best-behaved dachshund of all time, but it is also crucial for your family to interact with it properly. Fortunately, we cover both of these aspects throughout this complete guide.
The Dachshund’s Natural Personality
Dogs are as unique as people, and their personality depends very much on the environment they are brought up in. But dogs also have natural temperaments that are often found in any given breed. The dachshund is no exception.
For a dachshund, the good news is its natural personality is a joy to be around. They are a lovely balance of friendliness and playful energy. Some may call them a little spunky or sassy, but a trained dachshund will be sweet-natured.
I’ve met a fair few and they’ve all differed a lot! One was the sweetest, happiest little dog. Brought up in a family home with young kids and another dog.
– Bertin12 (Hound and Horses)
Though tiny little creatures, dachshunds can be a center of positive energy in their family’s lives. They do best when they’re part of family activities. And their natural curiosity gives them a positive base for interacting with the world around them.
TEMPERAMENT HIGHLIGHTS: Friendly — Loyal — Curious — Spunky
Molding a Dachshund’s Personality
Socialization is crucial for any animal that will be around humans or other pets. Taking steps to socialize your dachshund early on will bring out their natural friendliness all the more.
A well-socialized dachshund will not only be great with kids, but can be a companion for them as they grow up. However, if you let them run free without rules and training, they can certainly cause harm to a young child.
With a natural pack mentality, dachshunds fit in well with larger groups. However, this also means they want to know their place in the social hierarchy.
What Happens If You Don’t Raise a Dachshund Well
A well-raised and trained dachshund is excellent around children. But that is because training brings out their most positive characteristics naturally.
If you don’t take the time to raise a dachshund well, they can show some of their rarer traits that may not be pleasant in a household with kids. For example, plenty of people have reported to have been bitten by these small dogs.
Apparently more people get bitten by Dachshunds than any other breed, having said that the few I met in the past were delightful.
– Dobiegirl (Hound and Horse)
According to The London Telegraph, dachshunds have bitten more people than any other dog breed. In fact, one in 5 dachshunds have bitten a stranger (or tried). In addition, one in 12 dachshunds have snapped at their owners.
Now we’re not saying your dachshund will. However, this is an important note and you should keep this is mind when bringing home this breed to kids. The best way to prevent this is to provide plenty of socialization and training.
For example, a non-socialized dachshund could get a little nippy or greedy. Without a firm place in their family, they can also show more territorial behavior and be more likely to bark.
Are Dachshunds Good With Kids or Teens?
A well-socialized and trained dachshund could very well end up your child’s best friend. Their natural affection and friendliness could become a bright point in your child’s life.
So, yes, dachshunds are great with children and teens alike. But as owners, we also have a responsibility to be great back to our pets. And with younger children, it’s important that there is always parental supervision.
Below are some key tips to follow to ensure a healthy and warm friendship between your dachshund and your kids.
Tip #1: Know How to Pick Up Your Dachshund
Due to their elongated shape, dachshunds are known to be at risk for back problems. So, picking them up should always be a mindful and careful task.
Teaching your kids how to pick up your doxie is a core moment. Fortunately, it is quite simple.
While younger, children also shouldn’t move around while holding your dachshund. Instead, start out with them holding your doxie while seated on the floor or a couch.
HOW TO PICK UP A DOXIE: Carefully place one hand under their chest and behind their front legs. Then place your other hand near their rump for added support. Lift gently and slowly. That’s all there is to it!
Tip #2: Be Mindful of Pressure and Pulling
Picking up a doxie might be the first lesson for your kids, but it doesn’t end there. When holding or interacting with a dachshund, let your children know that they should be gentle.
That means:
- No pulling or tugging on any part of them!
- Avoid squeezing or shipping them! Even though it can be tempting.
- Don’t drag your dachshund over any surface or at any time!
Of course, petting your doxie is certainly still allowed. But letting your child know how to properly pet them will be vital. Soft gentle strokes that go the same direction as their coat. Simple as that.
Tip #3: Respect Private Time and Space
Doxies love playtime, cuddles, and quality bonding time. But even they need their own space.
Feeling secure in your home will play a big part in your dachshund’s demeanor. If they don’t have that feeling, they might show less patience and more territorial behavior.
So, how can you encourage this feeling of safety and security in your doxie? Try sticking to the following rules:
- Sleeping: If your dachshund is sleeping, let them sleep. Try explaining to your children how they wouldn’t like if someone woke them up from a nice nap. So their canine friend wouldn’t either.
- Eating: No one likes being interrupted during a good meal. With dogs, their bowl is sacred. Be sure to teach your children not to bug or interfere with your doxie while it is eating. And not to take its food!
- Privacy: If your dachshund is relaxing by itself or looks like it wants to be by itself, let your child know that they can wait. There will be plenty of playtime later. Signs to look out for include growling or tense body posture.
Tip #4: Play Safe
Few things can bring more joy to a child’s face than playing with a dachshund. But it is still important to teach your child how to play safely.
Mostly, this means keeping relatively calm. Of course, playtime can get a bit exciting, but safety should still be priority.
So running around while playing indoors will be the biggest thing to avoid. Also, keeping sudden or loud noises to a minimum will be important, especially if your child and doxie are still getting to know each other.
REMINDER: Dachshunds are tiny! Even though they are sturdy, accidents can happen easily.
Are Dachshunds Good With Babies?
Yes! Dachshunds can be very gentle around your little humans with proper training and socialization. However, they are often attention hogs. And a baby can be a big adjustment for them.
Even so, I would never let your Dachshund play with a baby unattended. It doesn’t matter how well you think you’ve trained the dog or how the dog knows the baby. After all, both dachshunds and the baby may be unpredictable.
However, the two can certainly co-exist. With a little effort, you can ensure that your baby and your doxie get along just fine.
Prepare Your Dachshund for the Baby
If you just show up at home one day with a small new human, your dog may be a little confused. They could simply be curious, but they might also wonder why your attention is suddenly on this other creature.
One big change, from your doxie’s perspective, is the new sounds in the house. The sounds of a crying baby can cause a dog anxiety.
So, we recommend playing some lower volume baby sounds before you actually bring your baby home. Slowly, your doxie can get used to the sounds.
Be Mindful of Attention
It is rare that a dachshund would ever harm a baby, but they can certainly grow jealous. All that attention they used to get is now focused on changing diapers.
There is no special trick here. Simply remember to give your dachshund the love and attention it needs. We know it can be exhausting to split your time while raising a child.
But your doxie still needs you as well.
Supervise Any Interaction
This is more for your doxie’s safety than for a baby’s. Fresh babies are notorious for having no motor control.
Their hands and legs flail around wildly as a baby learns to navigate the world. Adorable? Yes! Potentially dangerous for a dachshund? Also yes!
Letting your baby interact with your doxie is important to them developing a bond. But it also leaves room for accidents. Always be close by to supervise and keep your doxie safe from a rogue baby kick!
Activities For Your Kids and Dachshunds
Once your children know how to interact the right way with your doxie, they can begin interacting more.
One great way for your kids and doxie to bond is through exercise. Though they are small, dachshunds still need between 30-60 minutes of exercise every day.
Letting your kids exercise with your dog is an efficient way to keep both of them healthy. It could be going for walks around the neighborhood or playing fetch in the yard. However, swimming with your Dachshund may be a bit difficult.
Such activities are vital to both the physical and mental health of your dachshund!
Do you have a dachshund and kids? Let us know how they get along in the comments below. Do you have any additional tips to add that you have learned from your experience? If so, we invite you to share as well.
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